TURNER Family Tree

with links to British India

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info from Stanley Garrett HOGAN stanleyghogan@yahoo.com.au

?? married ??, children:

  1. John Nelson-Turner

Next Generation

John NELSON-TURNER married Aileen Charlotte HOGAN on 30th April 1894; they had 6 children, 5 boys and 1girl.

  1. Bertie Turner

  2. Leslie Turner

  3. Cyril Turner

  4. Alan (Allen) Turner

  5. Harold Turner

  6. Aileen (Marie Aileen) Turner

Next Generation

Leslie TURNER, a Tea planter, married an English woman ?? who had a girl:

  1. Wendy Turner who never married.

Alan (Allen) TURNER married an Italian girl Angelina ??, a refugee during the war. They had 3 children a boy and 2 girls:

  1. John Turner

  2. Frances Turne

  3. Mary Turner

Harold TURNER married Betty PHILLIPS; I think Harold was a school teacher. I have conflicting information on this family, but this is what I think the story is (I’d be happy to be corrected on this information). I also recall my mother talking about a Betty Philips? I understand Harold and Betty had 2 Children a boy and a girl:

  1. Jackie Turner (as far as my story goes is a Bishop in Calcutta)?

  2. Isobel Turner who married. I do not know her married surname, sadly died young, she had two children 2 girls Virginia and Margaret both girls unmarried? I’m sorry about the details and information I have on this family, but I would be grateful for contacts or any corrections, or other details or information, to keep the record straight?

Aileen or Marie Aileen TURNER (who I have also heard referred to as Asthore?) I’m not sure where this other name “Asthore” came from? Anyway Aileen or if you like Asthore, married Dr Fisher and the had 4 children 2boys and 2 girls:

  1. Gerald Fisher married and had one child Simon, he has remarried and now lives in San Jose in California. He is deeply involved with horse and carriage displays and I have seen many photographs of him competing in events in America, on the internet. I can also see some family resemblances in his facial features from these many photographs.

  2. Edward Fisher

  3. Aileen Fisher married Michael Reagan she has 2 daughters Sarah and Louise both daughters are married and she has 2 grandsons Thomas and Joshua. We went and spent a day with Aileen and Mick in their home in Shepshed (Mick had recently not been well) but their warmth, friendship and kindness to us was overwhelming and it was certainly appreciated, as was some of the information on the family, which Aileen kindly shared with us on that day. I really appreciate any information on the family particularly photo copies of letters, births, baptism and marriage certificates or any other reference material associated with any of the extended family members.

  4. Josephine Fisher did not marry she died in 1994, I do not have any more information on Josephine. However I would be appreciative of any information I can obtain on any of the extended family personal stories of their lives their hardship and achievement etc. Any information I receive I will document and record for history for all the future generation who are interested?


?? TURNER married ??, children:

  1. James Richard Turner

Next Generation

James Richard TURNER on May 27, 1944 in ST JAMES CH,  OLD DELHI, married Althea DUBOIS born May 21, 1916 Children

  1. GORDON RICHARD (TWIN) TURNER, b. June 10, 1945, INDIA.

  2. SUSAN ALTHEA (TWIN) TURNER, b. June 10, 1945, Madras, INDIA.


info from stetson rebeiro  stetsonrebeiro@yahoo.co.in

?? TURNER married ??, children:

  1. Marjorie Turner

Next Generation

Marjorie TURNER on 31/12/1958, married Horace REBEIRO. Their children:

  1. SABRINA Rebeiro , (Born 16/10/1959, Bousavel. Died 01/05/1977)

  2. SHARON Rebeiro , (Born 03/08/1961, Igathpuri)

  3. SHAYNE Rebeiro , (Born 03/05/1965, Igathpuri)

  4. STETSON Rebeiro . (Born 09/06/1972, Hubli)


info from sandra wodehouse  s_wodehouse@yahoo.co.in

?? TURNER married ??, children:

  1. Susan Turner (b 6/12/1954, Barielly, India)

Next Generation

Susan TURNER (born 06/12/1954, Barielly, India) married  Derick WODEHOUSE (born 30/12/1948, Barielly, India), children:

  1. ?


info from mikewebb@evsp9000.com

??TURNER married ??, children:

  1. Mabel Caroline TURNER (London 1917)

Next Generation

Mabel Caroline TURNER (London 1917) married Boniface D'CASTRO (born 1887 Burma)

Information on pages contained in this website have been supplied by family members/researchers for the enjoyment and mutual benefit of all concerned.

The Administrator does not vouch for their accuracy.

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