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info submitted by . Hi, can anyone help in tracing my blackwell family. East India.  The only thing I know for certain is that my great great grandmother sarah blackwell was born in east india between 1839-1843 she married a james bertenshaw born 1836 in droylsden lancashire great britain, on the 1881british census he is classed has an army pensioner aged 45.  They did however have some children born in india.  elizabeth born in 1866 east indies,  james jnr born 1869 east indies and francis born 5.4.1872 east indies.  on the 1901 census it gives james's place of birth has bombay india.  I also know that there was a harriet who i presume would have been a blackwell originally but who at 23 was married to a john thomas byrom and on the 1881 census were living in droylsden lancashire england but harriet was too born in the west indies. Harriet and john thomas byrom had a sarah a bertenshaw living with them but we think it was a susannah bertenshaw who was our great grandmother.  She later married my great grandfather edward walker in 1900. ashton-under-lyne lancashire england.
I would love anyone to write to me if they have any info on my blackwell bertenshaw.

?? BLACKWELL married ??, children:

  1. Sarah BLACKWELL (born in east india between 1839-1843)

  2. ? Harriet BLACKWELL (confirmation required)

Next Generation

Sarah BLACKWELL (born in east india between 1839-1843) on 4/12/1857 in Bombay,) married James BERTENSHAW,  Sergeant in HMS 33rd Regiment.  Army number 3387 (born 1836 in Droylsden, Lancashire, Great Britain), children:

  1. Elizabeth Bertenshaw (born in 1866 east indies)

  2. James Bertenshaw jnr (born 1869, Bombay, east indies)

  3. Francis Bertenshaw (born 5.4.1872 east indies.) 

Harriet BLACKWELL (confirmation required) married John Thomas BYROM


info from

I am seeking help and information on the search for my G G Grandmother. Her name was Georgina Early Blackwell. She was born Dec.31,1843 in India and died here in 1929 in Massachusetts. I do not have her parents name, but I was told her fathers name may have been Bill or Thomas. I was also told that her father was English.  She married a Thomas Whatmore/Henry Gamble born between 1800-1843, died between 1900-1930 in Oldham England. He was told to be born in Bombay? Supposedly he had changed his name from T.Whatmore to H.Gamble because of changing regiments in the service. Any help will do. Jean

?? BLACKWELL (Bill or Thomas?), and Englishman, married ??, children:

  1. Georgina Early Blackwell (born 31/12/1843 in India, died 1929 in Massachusetts)

Next Generation

Georgina Early Blackwell (born 31/12/1843 in India, died 1929 in Massachusetts) married Thomas Whatmore  (changed name to Henry Gamble) (born 1800 - 1843 Bombay ?, died 1900 -1930 Oldham, England), children:

  1.  ?

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