LOBO Family Tree

with links to British India

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St Thomas the Apostle is said to have arrived in India in 54 A.D. Later, with the advent of the Portuguese, the French and the British in India, there was further Christian influence. In India, Christians are basically converts, although there are descendants of European settlers and Anglo-Indians. In Goa, which had long been a Portuguese domain, Christians form the majority of the population there.



info from Jayashree fanthome@hotmail.com

?? LOBO married ??, children:

  1. Bridget Lobo

Next Generation

Bridget LOBO married John SUARES, Children

  1. Crispen Suares

  2. Marie Saldhana

  3. Lucy Suares

  4. Alwyn Suares

  5. Noel Manuel Suares (born 29/12 1928)

  6. Jayashree Suares (born 13/12/58) (married Bernard Fanthome 08/2/1980)


info from Bernard Rodrigues  roche_rodrigues123@yahoo.com

?? LOBO married ??, children:

  1. Peter Lobo

Next Generation

Peter LOBO married Serena BARRENthey had 6 children:

  1. Jacklene Lobo

  2. Charlene Lobo

  3. Arti Maise Lobo ( Maisy)

  4. Herman Lobo

  5. Arnold Lobo

  6. Alec Lobo


Jacklene LOBO married William Peters ( 1st Marriage) they have one daughter:

  1. Tania Peters

Jackelene LOBO ( 2nd marriage) married Joseph Jones. They have migrated to U.K. from Jabalpur:  they have one son

  1. Astle

Charlene LOBO married Presley John PETERS they have two children. They have now settled in New Zealand and they contact number is 006444770445 presleypeters@xtra.co.nz. they would like to get in contact with all relatives and friends.:

  1. Paul Peters

  2. Karen Peters

Arti Maize Lobo married Leslie Peters, they have two daughters.

  1. Sania

Herman Lobo married Dimple Singh and they have two children

Arnold Lobo married Andrea Gonsalves from Mumbai on the 19th of May 2006

Alec Lobo married Sabia Khan from Jabalpur (daughter of Dr.Khan)


info from Winifred Evelyn  La Bouchardiere (b 6/1/1940 Cochin)  winnie@vsnl.net (compiled with the help of Basil LaBouchardiere and Linda Tessier.)

?? LOBO married ??, children:

  1. Winifred Lobo

Next Generation

Winifred LOBO married Harold (Harry) LA BOUCHARDIERE (born 1864  Mount Carmel Church Alleppey, d 1909), Their children:-

  1. Clara La Bouchardiere B ? died about 1980 married Evan Noronha,

  2. Granville La Bouchardiere (Sonny) B  Died ? Allepey (after falling ill in Mesopotamia whilst soldiering World War II,

  3. Arnold La Bouchardiere Born ?  Died 1964 Coimbatore. Married (1) Myrtle Gomes  (2) Josephine Wong in Singapore,

  4. Edward La Bouchardiere Born ?  Died  ? Malaysia  Married?


?? LOBO married ??, children:

  1. Veridiana Maria Lobo (b.16/5/1857) Vesla Paria Goa

Next Generation

Veridiana Maria LOBO (b.16/5/1857) Vesla Paria Goa,  married Dominic Bernard FONSECA ( b. 2/6/1846) Tivim, Goa .They had 12 kids and he was, as far as I can work out a Doctor in the army. I'm still trying to find dates for the 12!

  1. Margaret Fonseca, Nagpur, nun, "little sisters of the poor"

  2. Francis Fonseca / Bernard  Fonseca  died young

  3. Aloyisius Fonseca dob.6/04/1877, Karnataka? m Elise 1904? 

  4. Ignatius Fonseca m Lily 

  5. Isabel Fonseca, nun Nagpur

  6. Letetia Fonseca m ?

  7. Pius Fonseca m Alice Sequira

  8. Faber Fonseca, Doctor? travelled in Middle East 

  9. Mary Fonseca  m Henry Goodwin

  10. Lucy Fonseca b.1885 m Michael Vincent BRAGANZA from Goa

  11. Rosie Fonseca m.Louis

  12. Calista Fonseca nun, left convent, married Lawrence deSousa


Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. I've had little luck trying to contact Goan searchers or searches. Thanks
Marianne Braganza mnbraganza@yahoo.ca


?? LOBO married ??, children:

  1. Patrick Lobo

Next Generation

Patrick LOBO married ??, children:

  1. Christine Lobo

  2. Patricia Margaret Mary Lobo

Next Generation

Christine LOBO married Mario LEWIS

Patricia Margaret Mary LOBO married Gordon Alwyn FONCECA. children:

  1.  Simone Fonceca

  2.  Alysha Fonceca

Information on pages contained in this website have been supplied by family members/researchers for the enjoyment and mutual benefit of all concerned. The Administrator does not vouch for their accuracy.

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